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Who We Are:: The Story of

VDubs 4 Vets

Founded in 2019 by Ithaca, NY entrepreneur Aden Moyer, VDubs4Vets aims to help raise money to donate to veterans groups across the country. 

The VDubs4Vets mission is to raffle off a different tricked out Volkswagen every year, with the proceeds to benefit veteran groups across the country. Headquartered in Ithaca, New York, VDubs4Vets is always looking for volunteers and interns to help out with organizing the annual raffle as well as to help with fundraising and car acquisition. To get involved with VDubs4Vets, contact us to learn more. 



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I want this to be a chance for the community to give back to people who have given so much to us. Veterans deserve a boost whenever possible and VDubs 4 Vets aims to do just that. Join us!

Aden Moyer, VDubs 4 Vets Founder


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